Sunday, January 9, 2011

France -- Comprehensive jewish Travel Web site

By Ruth Ellen Gruber

I just caught up with an official French web site devoted to Jewish travel  in France. I'm very happy to see this! It is sponsored by the office French tourism office and features the work of Toni Kamins, who wrote a groundbreaking guide to  Jewish travel in France some years ago. It will feature articles, updates, travel tips and podcasts.

From Toni's introduction:
France’s Jewish community is the third largest in the world.  Jewish history in France stretches back more than 2,000 years. Yet despite the shameful tragedies that have befallen the Jewish community, France has been and remains a center of Jewish life and shares an unshakable bond with its Jewish citizens
We know that it will take only a little effort to remind you, the Jewish traveler, that France is a destination worth visiting.  Why?  Because the historical and cultural ties that unite France and the Jewish people go far beyond tourism.  Take a tip from Benjamin of Tudela, the 12th-century Jewish traveler whose writings bring us vivid portraits of the Jewish communities of his time.  Come to France and see for yourself the dynamic and vibrant world of France’s Jewish communities. Admire synagogues and monuments, enjoy the Jewish-style and kosher cuisine of Tsarfat ( the Hebrew word for France), and marvel at ancient neighborhoods in cities and towns around the country.  Understand why the Jewish saying heureux comme Dieu en France (as happy as God in France) is as true today as it was in the Middle Ages.

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